Our Story
Christ the King El Paso began in 1998 with guidance and assistance from the Southwest Church Planting Network, a church planting arm of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The Network is comprised of churches from North and South Texas, Southwest, and Metro Houston Presbyteries. Christ the King Mission began under the leadership of a handful of faithful families and a church planter. They held the first official worship service in October 1999 as a mission church in the PCA.
Christ the King El Paso was organized as a self-governing, self-supporting congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) on January 24, 2002. At that time the congregation elected elders to govern the church along with the organizing pastor. The church has faithfully been proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ for over 20 years on the west side of El Paso.
A Spanish ministry named Cristo Rey led by Aarón and Moisés Zapata was meeting in Christ the King for several years. Moisés passed away in 2021 which caused the elders of CTK to begin discussing the future of the ministry with Aáron. Later in 2021, the members of Cristo Rey became members of Christ the King. Sadly, Aarón passed away in 2023. Marcos Zapata (Aarón’s son) took over the ministry and came on staff of CTK to continue the work his father and uncle began. In 2023, the Cristo Rey ministry officially became Christ the King in Spanish and we now consider both ministries one church.