Life Groups
Communities of disciples who follow Christ together and reach our city with the good news of the gospel.
Life Groups are communities of missionary servants sent to make disciples that make disciples in the everyday stuff of life.
Life in Community
The church is Jesus’s body. It has many parts, but it
is one body, so it takes many of us committed to each other’s development to help us each become more like Jesus. We all need many people who love Jesus around us to do this. God intends for all of us to actively engage in disciple-making in light of our unique design so that we both do the work and equip others to do it. This starts with opening our homes and sharing all of our life with one another.
Life in Discipleship
One of God’s means of your growth, redemption, and restoration is others in your life who are committed to bringing your brokenness out into the open and bringing the gospel of Jesus to bear on it. This is what we call life-on-life discipleship—life that is lived up close so that we are visible and accessible to one another, so that others can gently peel back the layers and join us in our restoration. We gather to open the Word and apply the truths to our lives.
Life on Mission
As believers, we are missionaries, sent and empowered by the Holy Spirit. You don’t need a seminary degree or a Bible school education. You don’t need a title or position. Jesus’s disciples had none of these. But they had been with Jesus, and Jesus was with them by his Spirit. He is with you, too. We serve our city to put on display the love of Christ for all people, displaying the good news of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
What is the makeup of the groups?
Our desire is that the groups will be a mix of all ages of people.
How often do Life Groups meet?
Some groups will meet each week and some groups will meet twice a month.
How do we participate in Life Groups?
These groups will have a host who opens their home for the gatherings. For the groups to flourish, all members need to contribute in different ways. From meal coordination to heading up prayer for the groups, each person is to use their abilities as the Lord has gifted them for building up others in the group.
Who can come?
This is a place to invite not only church members, but your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members outside of Christ the King. Life Groups can function as a "side door" to the church. In our current culture, many won't come through the doors of a church on Sunday morning, but they are willing to enter into another person's home. Life Groups are designed to be a safe place for all people, especially those who are other than Christian.
What is the commitment to be in a Life Group?
We desire everyone to participate as much as they can in Life Groups. There is not a strict commitment requirement, but we ask that each person be involved as much as they can.