Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” -Matthew 19:14
Next-Gen at CTK
We believe the children and youth are as important as any other members of our congregation. The children and youth have a place in the corporate body just as the adults do. Our philosophy of ministry is directed in a way that shows them that they belong in this church. They should feel a sense of belonging in every portion of their time in the church building. This includes the gathered worship time and we are dedicated to raising the children to worship God all of their lives. We strive to educate and model to our children and youth what it means to be the body of Christ. This runs through how our children and youth are treated in the life of the church.
We are currently providing the following ministries for our children and youth:
Nursery (Ages 0-3): Nursery is provided during Sunday School and gathered worship.
Children (Pre-K - 5th Grade):
9:00am — Children’s Sunday School
10:00am & 1:00pm — Children’s Worship is provided during the sermon in the gathered worship.
To best teach and educate our children about the Christian faith, we teach them Christ-centered lessons that help them grasp both the beauty of grace and their own sinfulness. Along with this Children’s Worship gives the children an age-appropriate worship experience that educates the children on each portion of the gathered worship time.
Youth (6th - 12th Grade):
9:00am — Youth Sunday School
Chew on This — We gather together regularly after the service with our youth to eat together and “chew” on a topic. These meals are usually shared once per month.
Illuminate — Twice per month our youth come together to eat, play, games, worship, and hear teaching from one of our pastors at Illuminate!
Youth Life Group — Our youth meeting weekly for Youth Life Group. They eat together, play games, and receive a devotional applying the gospel of Jesus to their lives.