Join us in-person or stream our service Sunday at 10:00am in English and 1:00pm in Spanish.

Welcome home. You belong here.

CTK Next-Gen

We believe the children and youth are as important as any other members of our congregation. The children and youth have a place in the corporate body just as the adults do. Our philosophy of ministry is directed in a way that shows them that they belong in this church.

Easter Sunday

Join us on April 20th for Easter Sunday! We will have Gathered Worship in English at 9:00am & 11:00am and Spanish at 1:00pm!

Gathered Worship

Join us Sunday for Gathered Worship at 10:00am in English and 1:00pm in Spanish. We are continuing to live-stream our worship service on YouTube along with in-person worship.

In El Paso as it is in Heaven

Our vision is to foster a Christ-centered community committed to bringing the kingdom of Jesus Christ to the earth. We strive to be a welcoming and faithful gospel witness in El Paso, reaching into our community and embracing those we encounter. By God's grace, we desire to impact our city positively by working toward the restoration and healing of those around us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to grow in the grace of the gospel for the glory of God, our joy, and the good of our neighbors. We are dedicated to passing the faith to the next generation by discipling our children and students in each stage of life. We are a church on mission, actively working to reflect the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ in our lives.